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Andrew Ferebee

Andrew Ferebee is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He was born in Miami, Florida but now resides in San Francisco where he works as a full-time author and consultant. He attended the University of South Florida, majoring in Psychology with a focus on relationships. After graduating at the top of his class, Andrew decided to pursue his passion for writing about relationships by launching The Dating Advice Guru website which offers reviews on various dating sites and apps from around the world. Since then he's written several books including "The Ultimate Guide To Online Dating" which quickly became an Amazon bestseller after its release last year. In addition to being an experienced relationship coach, Andrew also enjoys giving talks at conferences across North America about how technology can be used to enhance romantic connections between individuals or couples alike - something that has become increasingly important since social distancing measures have come into effect due to COVID-19 pandemic this past year.. His goal is always help others build meaningful connections through modern day tools like online platforms while still staying true themselves so they can find their perfect match!