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Larry Benet

Larry Benet is an online dating expert and author of several books on the subject. He has been writing reviews about various dating sites and apps for over 10 years, making him one of the most experienced voices in this field. A native New Yorker, Larry was born into a family that valued education above all else; he graduated from Harvard University with honors before going on to pursue his Master's degree at Columbia University. His educational background gave him a strong foundation in understanding relationships which later became useful when it came to helping others navigate their own love lives through his work as an online dating coach. His passion for connecting people led him down the path towards becoming an expert in this area - what started out as simply providing advice to friends soon turned into something much bigger: reviewing different websites and apps so other singles could make informed decisions about where they should look for potential partners or dates! As someone who understands both sides of modern-day romance (the digital world vs traditional methods), Larry provides unique insights into how technology can be used effectively when searching for true love or even just casual fun times with someone special. In addition to being featured by major media outlets such as CNN, ABC News & Fox News Network – Larry also serves on numerous boards related to relationship topics including those focused specifically around using tech tools like social media platforms & mobile applications within romantic contexts safely & responsibly without compromising personal privacy rights too heavily either way… All these experiences have given him invaluable insight not only into finding lasting connections but also protecting oneself while doing so too!