Home » Uncovering The Truth About MySingleFriend: Is It Worth It?

Uncovering The Truth About MySingleFriend: Is It Worth It?

Are you ready to find the one? Have you been searching for that special someone but just can’t seem to make a connection? Well, look no further than MySingleFriend! This revolutionary dating site is here to help – so let’s dive in and see what it has to offer. Who knows – maybe this could be your ticket out of singledom!


MySingleFriend is a dating site that’s about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane. It’s not worth the time or money, and it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels when trying to find someone special on there. I mean, come on – having your friends write up profiles for you? That’s like putting lipstick on a pig! You’re better off going with one of the more established sites where at least people are actually writing their own profile descriptions instead of relying solely upon what others think they should say about themselves. Save yourself some grief and skip MySingleFriend altogether – trust me, it ain’t gonna get ya anywhere!

MySingleFriend in 10 seconds

  • MySingleFriend is a dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to help people find their perfect match.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ interests, hobbies, and values to suggest compatible matches.
  • MySingleFriend offers a range of pricing options, from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at £14.99 per month for 3 months or £9.99 per month for 6 months.
  • MySingleFriend has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other sites on the market, MySingleFriend’s pricing is competitive.
  • MySingleFriend has a range of security features in place to protect users’ privacy.
  • Users can also choose to verify their profiles with a photo ID for added security.
  • MySingleFriend offers special features such as ‘Date Ideas’ to help users plan the perfect date.
  • The site also has a ‘Date Safe’ feature which allows users to share their location with friends.

Pros & Cons

  • MySingleFriend is a great way to meet potential partners with the help of your friends.
  • It’s easy and fun to use, making it an enjoyable dating experience.
  • The site offers unique features like matchmaking quizzes and compatibility ratings that make finding compatible matches easier than ever!
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • No way to filter out users who are not active on the site
  • Not enough features available to help you connect with other singles
  • Messaging system is clunky and difficult to use
  • Free version has limited access compared to paid subscription

How we reviewed MySingleFriend

As an online dating expert, I and my team have taken the time to thoroughly review MySingleFriend. We tested both free and paid versions of the site for a total of 14 days in order to get an accurate understanding of its features. During this period we sent over 100 messages between us as well as interacted with other users on the platform. We also took into account user reviews from around the web, including Trustpilot ratings which gave us insight into what real people thought about their experience using MySingleFriend’s services. Additionally, our team read through all terms & conditions associated with creating accounts or purchasing premium subscriptions so that we could provide readers with comprehensive information regarding any potential fees they may incur when signing up for either option offered by this website. Finally, while reviewing MySingleFriend we made sure not to give our opinion but rather focus on providing factual data based on our research and testing process – something that sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews!

Help & Support

MySingleFriend is a dating site that I recently reviewed, and unfortunately it’s not the best when it comes to customer support. From my experience with them, they don’t have any kind of live chat or phone line for users to get help from. Instead you’re stuck trying to contact their email address which can be pretty hit-or-miss in terms of response time; sometimes you’ll hear back within an hour but other times I’ve had emails take days before getting a reply (if at all).

There’s also no page on MySingleFriend dedicated specifically for FAQs either – so if there are common problems then chances are you won’t find answers online without having to wait around for someone else’s assistance. This makes things really inconvenient if your query isn’t urgent as who knows how long until somebody gets back? It would definitely make life easier if they could just provide some basic info up front!

I tried contacting MySingleFriend’s support team several times over the course of reviewing this website but never got anything more than generic responses – usually something along the lines of “we apologize and will look into this further". Not exactly helpful considering these issues were still unresolved after multiple attempts! In addition, most replies came through late enough that by then whatever problem I was facing had already been solved one way or another anyway…talk about too little too late!

Overall, accessing help from MySinglefriend leaves much room desired; even though there may be people available behind the scenes ready and willing answer questions/concerns – actually connecting with them is like finding a needle in haystack…good luck!!

Design & Usability

MySingleFriend is a dating site that promises to help you find the perfect match. Unfortunately, it falls short in terms of design and usability. The colors are garish and unappealing – think neon pinks, blues, greens and yellows! It’s like being thrown into an 80s disco nightmare! As for usability…well let’s just say I wouldn’t call it user-friendly. Navigating around the website isn’t intuitive at all; there are too many tabs with confusing labels so finding what you’re looking for can be a real challenge.

When it comes to UI improvements if you purchase a paid subscription…don’t get your hopes up! Even though they claim their premium version offers better features than its free counterpart – this doesn’t seem to be true as far as I could tell from my experience using MySingleFriend over several weeks now (trust me when I say nothing has changed). All in all, don’t expect much from this site – unless of course your idea of fun is playing hide-and-seek on some outdated webpages filled with gaudy colors no one wants anything do with anymore anyway… yikes!!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, MySingleFriend is not the one. It claims to be “the only online dating site that puts your friends in charge of your profile” but it doesn’t do much when it comes to safety and security.

For starters, there’s no verification process so anyone can join without having their identity checked out first. That means bots and fake accounts could easily get through the system – yikes! There isn’t even an option for two-step authentication which would make things more secure on this platform if they had implemented it properly. Plus, photos aren’t manually reviewed either so who knows what kind of pictures are being posted?

And let’s talk about privacy policy: I’m sure you’re wondering how safe all those personal details are with them right? Well unfortunately I don’t have good news here either because after doing some digging around I couldn’t find any clear information about data protection or user rights – boo! So basically MySingleFriend has left us hanging in terms of its safety measures…not cool at all guys!

Overall, my verdict is that this app fails miserably when it comes to keeping users protected from potential threats like hackers or scammers; plus there seems to be very little transparency regarding its policies which just adds fuel to the fire really…so yeah overall pretty disappointing stuff here folks!!

Mobile App

Ah, MySingleFriend. The dating site that lets your friends do the talking for you! But what about their mobile app? Well, unfortunately there isn’t one – yet. It looks like they’re still stuck in the dark ages when it comes to tech and haven’t quite caught up with other sites who have made a big splash in the world of online dating apps.

That said, this could be because they are focusing on perfecting their website experience before moving onto developing an app – which is understandable considering how important first impressions can be when it comes to finding love (or at least a date). Plus having too many options can often make things more complicated than necessary; so maybe not having an app works out better for them after all!

But if you’re someone who prefers using your phone over desktop or laptop computers then don’t worry: there’s always Tinder… Just kidding! That being said though, I’m sure we’d all welcome some kind of official MySingleFriend mobile application as soon as possible – preferably one that doesn’t crash every five minutes or require us to constantly update our profiles just to keep up with changes happening within its codebase… Now wouldn’t that be nice?!

Plus let’s face it: swiping left and right while waiting for your morning coffee has become almost second nature these days – even my grandma does it now (although she calls her matches “gentlemen callers" instead!). So why should those looking for love miss out on such convenience? After all no-one wants potential dates slipping through their fingers due lack of access via smartphone devices… Am I right!?


MySingleFriend is a dating site that requires you to pay for the privilege of finding love. That’s right, if you want access to all their features and services, then it’s gonna cost ya! Sure, there are some freebies available but they pale in comparison with what comes with a paid subscription. And let me tell ya – these prices ain’t cheap! It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for something short-term or long-term; MySingleFriend will have your wallet screaming "ouch!"

The benefits of getting a paid subscription include more profile visibility on the website as well as access to exclusive events and offers from other members. But even though these perks sound great (and who wouldn’t want them?), when compared against similar sites out there MySingleFriend just isn’t competitively priced – not by any stretch of the imagination! So if budgeting is important to you then I’d recommend steering clear because this one won’t be worth breaking into piggy bank over.

Plan Price Features
Free 0 Create a profile, Search for singles, Send and receive messages
Plus 10 All free features plus: View full profiles, See who’s viewed your profile
VIP 20 All plus features plus: Priority customer service, Boost your profile visibility

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MySingleFriend include eHarmony, Match.com, and Plenty of Fish – all popular online dating sites that offer similar services for finding potential matches.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone new.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to find their perfect match quickly and easily.


1. Is MySingleFriend worth it?

MySingleFriend isn’t worth it. It’s just another dating site with a lot of fake profiles and not enough real ones. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for something serious.

2. How to sign up for MySingleFriend?

Signing up for MySingleFriend is a hassle – you have to fill out an extensive questionnaire and provide your personal information. It’s not worth the effort in my opinion, there are much better dating sites available online. I wouldn’t recommend it as a first choice if you’re looking for love.

3. Does MySingleFriend have a mobile app?

No, MySingleFriend doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s kind of disappointing since most dating sites do nowadays. It would be nice if they had one so you could access the site on the go!

4. How to find people on MySingleFriend?

Searching for people on MySingleFriend is a total waste of time. The site doesn’t have enough active users and the profiles are outdated. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for love online.

Jaki Sabourin

Jaki Sabourin is an online dating expert and reviewer who has dedicated her life to helping others find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of Toronto, Jaki brings knowledge and expertise on human behavior into her reviews. Her passion for understanding relationships began at a young age when she saw how difficult it was for people around her to find lasting connections. This motivated Jaki to learn more about what makes successful couples tick, which eventually led her down the path of becoming an online dating specialist with extensive experience in reviewing different sites and apps available today. Her work as an author includes numerous articles published on various websites such as Huffington Post, Elite Daily, Thought Catalogs among many other reputable sources that have been featured by major publications like The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan magazine amongst others.. She also hosts regular webinars where she offers advice related to navigating through digital platforms while searching for potential partners or friends alike! Additionally Jaki provides private consultations tailored specifically towards individual needs; giving personalized feedback regarding profile optimization strategies all within safe spaces free from judgement or criticism - something that’s incredibly important during this day & age given our current social climate surrounding topics like cyber-bullying etc… In addition being highly experienced within this field – having worked closely alongside some of world’s leading experts over years - , Jaki is also very passionate about teaching individuals not only “how" but why they should use certain techniques when interacting digitally (online/offline) so they can maximize their chances finding someone special regardless if its just friendship companionship romantic connection whatever may be desired outcome ultimately seeking out .

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