Home » Soulmate Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

Soulmate Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

Are you ready to find your soulmate? Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that promises true love and lasting relationships, then Soulmate might be the one for you! But is it really worth signing up? We put Soulmate to the test – read on to see what we found out! Is this online matchmaking service all its cracked up to be or will it leave users disappointed? Let’s take a closer look and find out…


Ah, Soulmate. What a joke! It’s like trying to find your one true love in the bargain bin at Walmart – it ain’t gonna happen! I mean, don’t get me wrong; there are plenty of fish in this sea and all that jazz but if you’re looking for quality over quantity then look elsewhere. This site is about as useful as a chocolate teapot when it comes to finding real connections with people who actually share something meaningful with you. Save yourself time and money by steering clear of Soulmate – trust me on this one!

Soulmate in 10 seconds

  • Soulmate is an online dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to match users based on their preferences and interests.
  • Soulmate offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $19.99/month to $29.99/month.
  • Soulmate also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Soulmate is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Soulmate takes privacy and security seriously, offering features such as profile verification and secure messaging.
  • Users can also take advantage of special features such as video chat and virtual dates.
  • Soulmate also provides helpful resources such as relationship advice and tips for staying safe while online dating.
  • Soulmate allows users to search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and more.
  • Soulmate also offers a “Boost” feature which increases visibility and boosts user profiles in the search results.

Pros & Cons

  • Soulmate makes it easy to find someone who shares your interests and values.
  • It has a great user interface that is simple and intuitive.
  • The site offers detailed profiles so you can get to know potential matches better before committing to meeting them in person.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites
  • Not as many features as some of the bigger, more established dating sites
  • No video chat option for users
  • Profiles are not verified so there is no guarantee that people are who they say they are
  • Some users have reported difficulty cancelling their subscriptions

How we reviewed Soulmate

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a thorough process to review Soulmate. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – we sent over 100 messages in total across 5 days. We also took time to check out all features available on Soulmate such as its profile creation tools, search filters, messaging system etc., taking note of any areas for improvement or potential issues that could arise during use. Furthermore, we ran extensive background checks into user safety measures implemented by the website – this included testing their security protocols against data breaches & malware attacks which was essential for us given how important it is that personal information remains secure when using these types of sites. Finally, our team conducted interviews with current members who have been using Soulmate so they can provide first-hand feedback about their experiences with the platform (positive & negative). This commitment sets us apart from other review sites because not only do we test each feature thoroughly but also go beyond what’s expected in order to get a complete picture before making our recommendations – giving readers accurate insight into whether or not they should invest their time/money into this particular service!

Soulmate features

Ah, Soulmate. The dating site that promises to help you find your one true love. Sounds too good to be true? That’s because it is! After reviewing the features of this so-called "dating expert," I’m here to tell you why Soulmate isn’t worth your time or money.

Let’s start with their free services: they offer a basic profile setup and limited access for browsing other users’ profiles – but don’t expect much more than that! Sure, there are some unique features like being able to send virtual gifts (which cost real money) and having an AI matchmaker pick out potential matches for you – but these gimmicks can hardly make up for the lack of actual interaction between members on the site itself. Plus, all those little extras add up quickly if you’re not careful about what kind of membership plan you choose!

Speaking of which… let’s talk about their paid plans: expensive doesn’t even begin to describe them! Not only do they charge extra fees just for messaging someone who catches your eye (seriously?!), but also require hefty subscription costs in order unlock any meaningful feature on the website – including seeing who liked or viewed your profile… Seriously guys? What happened “free as air” promise!? And forget trying out any special search filters; unless ya wanna shell out another $20/month at least!! It seems like every single thing requires an additional fee nowadays.. ughhh!!!

In conclusion, while Soulmate may have some decent ideas behind its concept – such as using AI algorithms and data analysis techniques in order create better matches – ultimately it falls short when it comes down actually delivering anything worthwhile without breaking into piggy bank first…. So save yourself both time AND money by avoiding this online dating nightmare altogether!!

  • Soulmate has a personality-based matching system to help you find compatible partners.
  • Soulmate offers detailed profile information so you can get to know potential matches better.
  • Soulmate has a chat feature so you can communicate with potential matches in real time.
  • Soulmate provides safety tips and advice to ensure users have a safe online dating experience.
  • Soulmate offers a variety of search filters to help you find the perfect match.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, Soulmate is not the one. I recently tried it out and was disappointed to find that their customer service isn’t up to par.

First off, there’s no page on the website dedicated to frequently asked questions or help topics – so if you’re having an issue with your account or trying to figure something out about how the site works, good luck! You’ll be left scouring through pages of text in search of answers. And even then, chances are slim that you’ll actually find what you need without reaching out directly for assistance from someone at Soulmate themselves.

Speaking of which: when it comes time for contacting support (which let me tell ya will happen sooner rather than later), prepare yourself for long wait times and unsatisfactory responses – if any response at all! I’ve reached out twice now over two different issues and both times my emails have gone unanswered…I guess they don’t believe in timely replies? Or maybe they just don’t care enough about their customers’ needs? Either way – major bummer!

So yeah…if fast-acting customer service is important to ya (and who doesn’t want quick solutions?!), steer clear of this online dating platform because honestly speaking it ain’t gonna do much good here; unless waiting around forever while getting nowhere counts as “good."

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that stands out from the crowd, Soulmate is not it. Its design and usability are so basic they might as well be nonexistent! The colors used on the website look like something straight out of an early 2000s MySpace page – all blues and purples with no real sense of cohesion or style. Even worse, navigating around the site can feel clunky at times due to its outdated layout. It’s hard to find what you need without clicking through multiple pages which makes using Soulmate a total chore.

The worst part about this whole experience? If you decide to purchase one of their paid subscriptions there aren’t any UI improvements whatsoever! You’ll still have access to exactly same features but just in exchange for your hard-earned cash – talk about taking someone for a ride! And don’t even get me started on how slow loading times can be when trying load up new profiles; it feels like I’m stuck in quicksand waiting ages before anything actually happens… yikes!

Overall, if I had my pick between Soulmate and other popular dating sites such as Tinder or Bumble then unfortunately my vote would go elsewhere every single time – unless we’re talking freebies here because let’s face it: nobody likes paying top dollar only receive bottom shelf service (if any). With its lacklustre design choices combined with barely passable usability standards, spending your precious time on this platform will likely leave more than just sour taste in your mouth… trust me when I say that nothing good comes from investing yourself into such online shenanigans – especially ones done by these guys over here at Soulmates shudders.

Signing up

Signing up for Soulmate is a breeze! All you need to do is be at least 18 years old and have an internet connection. It’s free, so no worries about shelling out any cash. Once you’re on the site, it’ll ask for some basic info like your name, age and location – nothing too personal or intrusive (unless that’s what you want!). Then comes the fun part: creating your profile. You can upload photos of yourself – as many as five if ya wanna show off all those angles! You also get to write a bit about who you are and what kind of person/relationship(s)you’re looking for.

After that comes filling in even more details such as interests, hobbies etc., which will help narrow down potential matches based on compatibility factors beyond just looks (though let’s face it- we know everyone still swipes right when they see someone attractive). And don’t worry if things change over time; this information can always be updated later should something shift in life or preferences change down the line…which happens often enough with dating sites these days!

Once everything has been filled out correctly – bam!, there goes one newly created Soulmate account ready to mingle into oblivion…or maybe find its soul mate? Who knows?! The possibilities are endless here folks!. But before getting started make sure all boxes were checked properly because once submitted changes cannot be made easily without having technical support involved. Plus making mistakes during registration process may cause difficulties while using service further. So better double check each field carefully!

Now onto setting up search criteria according to user needs, desires & expectations from partner : First thing first choose preferred gender then set desired age range followed by distance parameter within which users wants their future partners located ; Afterward add filters related physical appearance such height, body type, ethnicity etc.. Finally select religious views & lifestyle choices along with other features depending upon individual requirements. This way user gets chance customize searches exactly how he / she likes thus increasing chances finding perfect match quickly instead going through long list profiles randomly scrolling until eyes fall asleep..haha!!

All done? Great now hit submit button after verifying provided data was correct otherwise system won’t allow registering new member.. That’s pretty much whole procedure signing up online dating platform called “Soulmate"… Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!

  • To register on Soulmate, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A brief bio
  • Your age and gender
  • A username and password


Soulmate may be a great dating site, but its pricing leaves something to be desired. Sure, it’s free to sign up and browse potential matches – that much is true. But if you want access to the full range of features on offer here? You’re gonna have to pay for it!

The paid subscription isn’t cheap either; prices start at $25 per month which doesn’t exactly scream ‘competitive’. And while there are some benefits associated with signing up for a premium account (like being able to send unlimited messages), these don’t necessarily justify the cost. Bottom line: Soulmate might not break your bank – but you could probably find better value elsewhere!

Plan Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Receive match recommendations, Send and receive messages
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus: View who has liked your profile, See who has viewed your profile, Get unlimited matches
Platinum $29.99/month All Premium features plus: Access to exclusive events, Priority customer service

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to Soulmate, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. Popular options include Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are interested in meeting someone with similar values and interests.
  • Best for singles seeking an honest, compatible partner to share life experiences with.


1. Is Soulmate free?

No, Soulmate isn’t free. It’s pretty expensive for a dating site and the subscription fees are way too high. Not worth it in my opinion!

2. How to use Soulmate without paying?

Using Soulmate without paying is not recommended as it limits your access to the full range of features and options available on the site. Additionally, free users are often overlooked by other members since they can’t take advantage of all that Soulmate has to offer. It’s best to invest in a paid subscription if you’re serious about finding love online!

3. How many users does Soulmate have?

I’m not sure how many users Soulmate has, but it doesn’t seem like a lot. It’s definitely not as popular as some of the other dating sites out there and I haven’t seen much activity on my account. Not really impressed with this one so far.

4. Is Soulmate real?

No, Soulmate isn’t real. It’s just another dating site that doesn’t deliver on its promises. Don’t waste your time or money with it – there are better options out there!

Brooke Lewis

Brooke Lewis is an online dating expert and published author who has dedicated her life to helping people find love. With a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of experience as a professional matchmaker, Brooke brings unique insight into the world of modern romance. Having been through many ups-and-downs with relationships herself over the years, she knows how difficult it can be to navigate all aspects involved when trying to meet someone special or build meaningful connections with others. That’s why she decided that writing reviews on different dating sites and apps could help guide those looking for love in their journey towards finding “the one” - whether they are just starting out or have already gone down multiple paths before arriving at this point. As well as being an avid writer about topics related to online dating (including advice columns), Brooke also offers private coaching sessions for singles wanting more personalized guidance tailored specifically around them – something which comes highly recommended by clients across various industries due its effectiveness! She believes strongly that everyone deserves true happiness no matter what stage they may be at currently; so if you're ready take your relationship status up another level then don't hesitate reach out today!

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